The Girl from Kingsland Market Read online
Page 11
Arthur stood tall, bristling with his own importance. ‘I didn’t give him the chance to comment. I told him to get off my back and then I walked out!’ He started to laugh. ‘He was so surprised he was speechless for a minute. Mind you, he started yelling at me as I left, but I didn’t care. I’m free, he’s locked up. Why should I worry?’
‘Why, indeed!’ Ben agreed, ‘Good for you!’ He walked back to his own stall smiling to himself. The more that Arthur began to believe his brother wasn’t important, the less likely he’d feel obliged to him. That must be to my advantage, he thought. But he’d pass on the message that Percy harboured ideas of escape.
On Saturday, during a lull in business, young Tim was sitting alone on some steps eating his fish and chips, looking decidedly miserable. Ben walked over and sat beside him.
‘Where’s your girlfriend today, then, Tim?’
The young boy blushed. ‘She’s not my girlfriend, we’re just friends, that’s all and she’s off staying with her grandmother for the weekend.’
‘Oh, I see. I thought you’d been stood up. So, what are you going to do tomorrow?’
The boy shrugged. ‘Don’t know. I thought I would be kicking a football about with my friends in the street, but they are going out too.’
‘Oh, that’s a shame.’
The boy picked up a chip and chewed on it, lost in thought. ‘Sometimes their dad played with us. If my dad was still alive, I could play with him.’
For once Ben was at a loss for words.
‘Do you like Phoebe, Ben?’
With a startled look Ben said, ‘Of course I do. She’s a lovely girl.’
‘Well, why don’t you ask her to marry you, then you could be my dad?’ Tim gazed up at him, waiting for an answer.
Ben took a deep breath as he tried desperately to gather his thoughts. ‘Well, young Tim, marriage is not something you take lightly; after all, you commit yourself to someone for life. There’s more to marriage than liking somebody a lot.’
‘She’s a good cook,’ the boy offered. ‘You wouldn’t go hungry.’
Ben tried to hide a smile. ‘I know that, I’ve tasted her cooking.’
‘She keeps the house clean and washes and irons my clothes.’ He waited for a response.
Ben chuckled. ‘I’m not looking for a housekeeper, Tim. When I feel the time is right, then I’ll make a decision about marriage with some lucky lady who’ll be happy to have me.’ He ruffled the boy’s hair, got to his feet and walked back to his stall, smiling.
It wasn’t as if the idea hadn’t crossed his mind. He was in love with Phoebe and he had thought seriously about being married to her and being a stepfather to Tim, but he wasn’t sure how she was going to react when eventually he was able to tell her the truth about his real occupation. Would she understand that he couldn’t take her into his confidence? Would she understand that he had no choice? Or would she be hurt and think he couldn’t trust her? In any case, he was still on the job, so any decision would have to wait. But he felt for the boy. He suddenly had an idea and walked over to Tim.
‘There’s a cricket match on tomorrow afternoon. How would you like to go to that?’
The boy looked delighted. ‘Thanks. I don’t know anything about cricket, though.’
‘I’ll explain the rules as they play. Run over and ask Phoebe if it’s all right with her.’ He watched the animated conversation between brother and sister. Phoebe looked over and nodded. Tim held up two thumbs, jumping up and down with glee.
‘I’ll collect you at half past one,’ he called.
It was a warm sunny day as Ben and Tim took their seats at the cricket ground. The young boy was so thrilled to be there and fidgeted in his seat, turning around and surveying his surroundings.
‘This is just a match between two counties. Hampshire against Sussex,’ Ben told him. He then explained about the stumps, the cricket pitch itself and what the aim of the batsmen was. They both sat up as the teams came onto the field to applause from the substantial crowd.
As the match progressed, Ben was explaining what was happening and then the scoreboard, which was a mystery to Tim, who didn’t know how the figures changed until Ben told him about the man who was working them. At the tea break, they enjoyed sandwiches, cake and a cup of tea.
As they settled, Ben asked Tim what he thought of the match.
‘Well … it’s a bit slow compared to football, but when that man scored a six, I got really excited. I thought he was going to be run out!’
Laughing, Ben said, ‘There you go, you’ve already learnt the language of the game with the batsman being run out!’ The boy looked pleased.
Arthur Stanley was also feeling pleased with himself. Last night he’d picked up a woman whom he’d taken to his house and who had stayed overnight. This was a first for him. Normally any woman he’d taken home for sex had left soon after, but this one had lingered and then to his surprise agreed to stay over. He had watched her undress with great relish and when she climbed into bed beside him and he’d felt the warmth of her naked flesh against his, he was beside himself with joy.
Running her hands over his biceps she whispered in his ear. ‘Oh Arthur, I love being with a real man.’ She slowly slid her fingers to his chest, then slowly she moved them lower, stroking him gently. He let out a moan.
‘Do you like that, Arthur?’
Unable to speak he just nodded.
‘This is so much better than a quick fumble on the sofa, don’t you think?’ Her hand slipped even lower. ‘Oh, Arthur, you naughty boy! Now, darling, use a bit of self-control because I want to enjoy this too.’ She quickly mounted him and guided him inside her.
Arthur was lost in a sea of sexual delight as the girl rode him, slowly at first, then she quickened her pace. ‘Oh my God!’ he cried. He then laid back, breathless, beads of sweat on his brow and body.
The girl snuggled into him, her arm across him. ‘Have you ever had it as good as that?’
‘No never,’ he murmured. ‘Never.’
‘If I was your girlfriend you could have the same more often.’ She slipped her hand down to the now flaccid member. ‘Just imagine, Arthur, the fun we could have. I could even move in and look after you.’ Leaning forward, she kissed him, softly running the tip of her tongue inside his lips.
He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensuality of it all, yet thinking this is what real life should be like. This is what I’ve been missing all through that bloody brother of mine. Then, as the girl closed her mouth over his and kissed him, he knew he was going to grasp whatever was on offer. His hand closed over her breast.
‘What’s your name, love?’
Chapter Seventeen
On Monday morning, Arthur could hardly wait to share his good news with his friend Ben. Once he’d set up his stall, he hurried over to him.
‘Morning, Arthur. You’re looking very chipper.’
‘I’ve got a girlfriend!’ He stood beaming, waiting for a reaction.
‘Good heavens! How did that happen?’
‘I picked her up in a bar and took her home and she stayed the night. She wants us to be together.’
‘What do you mean, together?’
‘Well, after we had sex in bed, she suggested we continue our relationship.’ With a lascivious grin he confided, ‘I’ve never had sex like it, Ben. She was amazing! Anyway, this morning she said how nice it would be if she moved in with me, so she could look after me properly.’
Thinking that this could upset his plans of getting close to Arthur, Ben asked, ‘What about Percy? He wouldn’t like that one bit.’
‘Well, he ain’t here and won’t be for some considerable time. I’m entitled to have a life!’
‘I wouldn’t rush into anything, my friend. If I were you, I’d enjoy going out together and having her stay over now and again, but living with someone does have its problems. Before you know where you are, she’ll be bossing you around like your brother did. You might want to go to the pub for a d
rink with your mates and she won’t like it.’
Arthur’s eyes narrowed as he considered this. ‘Mm. Maybe you’re right. I’ll wait a while and think that over. She can have my body any time she likes, but as yet, not my house.’
‘No, Arthur, you’ve got it all wrong. She can have your body any time you like! You can’t have people making decisions for you any longer. Be your own man!’
The trader laughed. And, slapping Ben on the shoulder, he said, ‘You’re a good mate. Looking after my interest like that. It’s good advice, thanks! See you later,’ and he walked back to his stall.
Phoebe, having watched this animated conversation, was curious and walked over to Ben. ‘Your friend looks pleased with himself. What’s going on?’
Placing an arm around her shoulders, he said quietly, ‘He’s got a girlfriend.’
Her eyes widened in surprise. ‘No!’
He burst out laughing. ‘He’s not a bad-looking chap, some women might take a liking to him. In fact, one has done so, it seems.’
She thought about it for a moment. ‘I suppose a good woman might make something of him.’
‘Oh, I don’t think she’s a good woman at all.’
‘Oh, I see. Percy wouldn’t like that.’
‘But Percy isn’t here, and Arthur is enjoying his freedom. Frankly, I’m pleased for him. His miserable brother used to make his life hell, let him get a taste of freedom. It could be just what he needs.’
Now Phoebe laughed. ‘You’ve got more faith in humanity than I have.’
‘Well, you know what they say. No one is all bad and no one is all good.’
Her smile faded and she looked at Ben, cheeks flushed, eyes flashing in anger. ‘Well, let me tell you, Percy Stanley is all bad. He hasn’t a decent bone in his body!’ She hurried away.
He was astonished at the sudden change in her, the venom in her voice. So unlike the Phoebe he knew. What was it with her and Percy Stanley that this man had such an effect on her? One day perhaps he’d get to the bottom of the problem.
Saturday was a miserable day. The heavy grey clouds gathered and before long it started to rain heavily. The wind became stronger and the traders were having trouble with the canopies covering their stalls.
Phoebe and young Tim tried valiantly to keep theirs from blowing away and soon both were soaked to the skin. Eventually they had no choice but to close the stall with Ben’s help and go home – as did everyone else.
Tim was shivering beneath his wet clothes and Phoebe made him go to his room to undress while she built up the fire, put on pans of water to boil to fill a bath to warm him and while she waited, she also changed out of her clothes, rubbing herself down with a towel, putting on a pair of pyjamas, an old jumper and a warm dressing gown. Then she put a pan of stew in the oven to warm.
Tim was immersed in a bath in front of the fire, pouring the hot water over his shoulders with a filled jug to warm himself. Phoebe rubbed him dry and put on his pyjamas and a dressing gown, then settled him on the sofa covered in a blanket, while she dished out bowls of stew for them.
‘Eat up, Timmy. Can’t have you catching a cold, can we?’
‘No, Phoebe,’ he said. Then he sneezed.
After they’d eaten, Phoebe took out the bottle of embrocation their mother always used and rubbed Tim’s chest with it.
‘There! Mum always swore by this. Let’s hope it will stop you getting a cold.’
He screwed up his nose. ‘The smell alone is enough to do that!’
She chuckled. ‘Some cures are not always pleasant, Tim. But if they do the job, that’s the main thing.’ At that moment there was a knock on the door.
Wrapping her dressing gown even tighter round her, Phoebe opened the door.
‘Bath time, is it?’ Ben stood there grinning broadly.
Phoebe felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. ‘Best come in,’ she said somewhat reluctantly.
Seeing Tim all tucked up on the sofa, Ben smiled at the boy. ‘Well you look cosy and no mistake.’ He sniffed the air. ‘What’s that strange smell?’
‘It’s some rotten stuff Phoebe rubbed on me to stop me catching a cold!’ the boy replied, with more than a note of disgust.
‘Don’t complain, lad, she’s only looking after you.’ He glanced over to Phoebe. ‘You look very fetching, if I may say so.’ He walked over to her and kissed her briefly.
She moved quickly away. ‘You know that I don’t. We were soaked to the skin. Nightclothes were the most sensible thing. Would you like something to eat?’
He declined. ‘Thanks, I ate before I came, but a cup of tea wouldn’t go amiss.’
After she’d made Ben his tea and fed her brother, she bundled Tim off to bed, tucking him in to make sure he’d be warm. ‘A good sleep will soon put you right, young man.’ She kissed him goodnight, turned out the light and left the room.
Ben was settled on the sofa and when she appeared, he patted the seat beside him. ‘Come and sit with me.’
Phoebe did so and Ben immediately put his arm around her and pulled her close. ‘I’ll keep you warm,’ he said as he nuzzled her hair.
It felt good to be within his arms. Safe and warm. Phoebe let her thoughts run away with her. How perfect this would be if it was permanent. But Ben had never talked of the future and suddenly she wanted to know what was on his mind.
‘How long are you going to be working in the market, Ben?’
This took him by surprise. ‘What do you mean?’
‘Well, is it permanent or do you have other plans for the future?’ There … she’d said it!
He hesitated. What could he say? He knew what he wanted, but as yet wasn’t at liberty to say, but he didn’t want to lose this lovely girl.
He looked at her and asked, ‘Do you trust me, Phoebe?’
‘Yes, of course I do.’
‘Then please be patient. Yes, I do have plans for the future, but at the moment I’m unable to talk about them.’ He stared into her eyes and tipped up her chin. ‘All I can say is that I intend to be around for a long time.’ Then he gave her a long, lingering kiss.
When eventually he was ready to leave, he took Phoebe into his arms. ‘You are not to worry about the future because I promise you have no need to.’ He kissed her forehead, then left.
Phoebe settled back on the sofa. She was even more confused. Whatever did Ben actually mean? The only thing that was clear was that he wasn’t leaving and that was a relief, but the rest? Why wasn’t he able to tell her now? What was he hiding?
In Winchester Prison, Percy Stanley had no plans to stay around. His court case was coming up soon and he didn’t relish spending the next few years behind bars. The time spent in hospital without all the usual restrictions and guards always doing their rounds was the only time he had any hope of escaping – and that’s what he intended to do.
On Fridays, the dirty linen from the hospital was collected and taken outside the prison gates to be washed in a special private unit, to sterilise it. He had already managed to steal a white doctor’s coat with a stethoscope in the pocket and hidden it. This he would wear to cover his prison clothes. He just needed a few moments to carry out his plan. If his timing went wrong, he wouldn’t make it.
The door of the ward was unlocked while the collection was taking place and he’d noticed that the collectors left several huge linen baskets on wheels just outside the ward door. Normally the guard would take this opportunity during the collection to slip to the toilet. His one worry was the whereabouts of the nurse at this time. Today was Friday. Hiding the doctor’s coat beneath his top, he glanced at the clock. Another hour to go.
Percy felt his heart thumping beneath his clothes as he waited. He’d removed the hospital slippers and put on his shoes, then he sat on his bed and waited.
Just after the laundry men arrived and started to collect the soiled linen, the nurse walked into the ward, carrying a tray of medication, bandages and a hypodermic. She placed it on the cabinet beside the bed. �
�Right, Stanley, I’m here to change your dressing,’ she said.
‘But you usually do it after lunch,’ he spluttered.
‘Well, I’m doing it now. Then I’m off duty for an hour. But first I’ve got to give my other patient an injection and his pills.’ She walked over to the bed of the only other patient.
Percy was desperate. Through the glass on the door he could see two linen baskets already full and the men had disappeared into a room to collect more laundry to fill the others. This was his only chance as the guard had slipped away to the Gents.
He quickly got to his feet, rushed over to the other bed, grabbed the nurse and with one blow, knocked her senseless and placed her on the floor out of sight. He picked up the hypodermic and threatened the patient with it. ‘One sound and you’ll get this in your throat. Understand?’
The man quickly nodded.
Rushing to the door, Percy peered out, then quick as a flash he climbed into one of the almost filled baskets and piled the linen over him. Hearing footsteps he held his breath. More laundry was piled on top of him and the men continued their task until they’d completed it, then they collected the other baskets and started to wheel them from the building. Percy could hear gates being unlocked and relocked as they made their way to the van, where the linen was wheeled up a ramp into the interior. The engine started and eventually they went through the final exit, turned right and within a short time, slowed to a stop.
Percy felt the bile rise in his stomach he was so nervous. Would he be able to avoid detection? He had no idea what would happen now. The back door to the van was being opened.
‘Hey, Charlie! Fancy a cuppa before we unload? There’s one brewing here in the staffroom.’
Charlie was only too happy to accept. He pushed the door of the van almost shut and left it.
Percy quickly climbed out of the basket and hurriedly put back the linen that had covered him. Donning the doctor’s coat, he opened the van door wider, carefully looking around.